Welcome to part 2 of my 4 part series on Adsense Alternatives. Their minimum payment threshold is $25. Neverblue Ads has a referral program. 2 options are available to the publisher. A $2 CPA option and a 2% commission option. Each option has its own separate referral URL, allowing publishers to use both options if desired. Both options have a wide selection of banners to choose from. In addition, the $2 CPA referral option can use SubID tracking. However, the 2% commission option does not, although it is in the works. Tnx.net is an independent text link brokering service which helps advertisers and publishers buy and sell text links. Tnx.net sells links on an individual page basis versus site wide. And use a point system which can then be converted into money. TNX is easy to sign up for, and the code must be installed in your page to finish the application process. TNX will then approve (or reject) the website within 1-3 days. A site must be indexed by Google to be allowed into the program and a site must be able to use TNX’s ad code which is only available in PHP, Perl, or ASP. Payment is paid via PayPal with a minimum threshold of $5, which takes only 3 days to process. They also have a referral system in place. The referral program pays out 13.3% of all TNX-points generated by a referred publisher, and 5% of all payments made by referred advertisers, for life. As a side note, TNX also allows publishers who have a large site with impressive site statistics to contact them directly, as TNX does offer the buying of ad space directly for a fixed price. AdToll likes pays 75% of earnings from adverts. Payments are on the 15th of every month for the previous month's earnings. Payments are made in the form of Check, PayPal, ePassporte, Bank Wire, or account credit. Check and PayPal payments require a minimum of $20 in earnings. Wire Transfers require a minimum of $1,000 in earnings. ePassporte transfers require a $20 minimum, and account credit payments have no minimum. There is a $12 fee on checks, a $2 fee for ePassporte, and a $30 fee on Wire/Bank transfers. There is a referral system in place. AdToll's referral program pays, They also offer extra bonuses for super-affiliates who generate a lot of volume. Copeac pays on a monthly schedule via Wire and Check. And the minimum threshold is set at $100, although those with a higher volume may set up a weekly payout schedule. Copeac has a referral program and offers publishers 2% on every approved affiliate referred, for life. Value Click Media offers publishers CPMs, as well it offers its publishers some affiliate marketing opportunities. Publishers have 3 ways to make money. Either by displaying of adverts, affiliate marketing, or by referrals. Multiple sites can be managed through a single account. CPM display ads are offered as text, image, or video and come in the form of both in-page and window ads. As well, video ads can be displayed as in-banner, and also as in-stream, with the adverts being fit to the video window and beginning either before or after the site’s media content. Affiliate marketing is also available. Which includes CPAs, CPSs, co-registrations, and promotional advertisements. Referrals can provide additional revenue. Publishers get a bonus equivalent to 5% of the new user’s earnings for the first twelve months of service. Signing up is quick and easy and a decision on the application is usually had within 2 days. Sites must have a minimum of 3000 page views per month. They must also display their content exclusively in English and own their own domain name. The site may not support or discuss anything of a profane, adult, or illegal nature, offer incentives for clicking on advertisements, consist largely of a forum or message board, or advertise excessively. Value Click Media pays out on the 20th of each month for the previous month. The Minimum threshold for payout is $25. Publishers can be paid by check, PayPal, and direct deposit for Canadian and American citizens. Affiliate network program with nearly 300 campaign offers available. Many of these offers actually have fairly high payouts, paying as much as $35 per lead. Ads4Dough also offers adult adverts. They have a reward system that pays out, Ads4Dough accepts traffic from sources such as PPC, forums, websites, blog, organic search, arbitrage, and incentive programs. Minimum payout of $50 a month and payments are made every month on the 30th for the previous month's commission. Publishers who make over $1,000+ a week can arrange to be paid weekly. Payments are sent via check, and for larger affiliate marketers, bank wire. Referral system that pays out 4% for life Combines the displaying of live eBay auctions with the displaying of advertisements from online vendors. The publisher enters their advertisement keywords to suit the topic of the page on which the advertisements will appear. Once this is completed, the advertisements can then be edited to suit the layout and design of the page, adjusting size and color. If the displayed advert is that of an eBay auction, then the publisher is paid on a CPA basis. If the displayed ad is that of an online vendor, then the publisher is paid on a CPC basis, much like many other shopping-focused ad networks. Visitors are sent directly to a product page where they can purchase the advertised product. Signing up is very easy and can be quickly done. The account is activated almost immediately after email verification has been confirmed. Payments are made the first of every month via PayPal. The payment is for all revenue generated in the previous month, including CPC, CPA, and referral revenue. The minimum threshold amount for payment is $50. A referral system is in place. When a visitor clicks on a link and signs up for the service, the original publisher earns 5% of all revenue generated by the new user. (Each advert also has the referral code within as well) Referral revenue is valid for the first six months of the new account. And cookies are also used for 30 days meaning if the visitor returns not using your link you still get credit. Text Link Ads offers three ways for publishers to make money from their sites: by posting text link advertisements on the site itself, by inserting ads into the site’s RSS feeds, or by becoming an affiliate. Text link adverts sell for a flat rate per ad for a 30 day run on the site. Payments made via PayPal have no minimum threshold and thus you get paid monthly. Payments are made on the first of the month for all revenue generated the previous month, including partially completed campaigns. For publishers who choose to receive their payments by check, will have to meet a $25 minimum threshold. Referral system is quite simple. A one time $25 payment is made for any referred advertiser that results in a sale, or for any referred publisher who applies to be represented by the network and is approved. There is a referral program in place. A publisher can make 20% commision off each member they refer to the program. This commision is not based on all money made by the referral but the profit etology makes. This concludes Part 2 of the 4 part series on Alternatives to Adsense. Again I hope that you found this article useful and to make sure you don't miss out on the next installments or any other articles in the future, please subscribe to my feed. I welcome your comments and thank you for taking the time to drop by.
Adsense Alternatives Part 1 covered various types of monetizing programs readily available to publishers, varying in types of adverts, varying in site acceptance guidelines and varying in the type of program being offered.
Part 2 of this series will be no different other than, a brand new set of programs will be discussed and presented to you the reader.
So without further word, lets jump straight into the programs that make up part 2 of Adsense Alternatives.
Neverblue Ads
An affiliate marketing company from British Columbia, Canada. NeverblueAds contains well over 700 campaigns available to the publisher. Their offers are available in both CPL (Cost per Lead) and CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition), many of which are high paying. Many of those campaigns ranging from $20-$40.
Signing up for Neverblue Ads is relatively easy and only takes minutes. A follow up phone call is usually placed within the first 2 days to finish the application process.
Neverblue Ads pays on a Net-30 pay period They pay by check although paypal is possible upon request.
AdToll acts as the middleman between publishers and advertisers.
The publisher sets the price.
Publishers have the option to remove the ‘Powered by’ and ‘Advertise Here’ text shown at the bottom of AdToll banners. Publishers can even customize the ‘Advertise Here’ anchor text (but not the URL)
Signing up is really simple and there are no site pre-requisites for joining the AdToll program and applications are "approved instantly".
Offers offer both CPC and CPM campaigns.
No Referral Program
All publishers using Burst Media’s networks must display a link to a demographic survey on their site, or else rotate this survey in with their normal advertisements.
The application process is easy although sites must generate at least 5000 pageviews per month in order to apply.
Payments are net 45 days, and paid by check only. The minimum threshold is set at $50 to be eligible for a payment.
Is a contextual network advertiser. Bidvertiser differs from Google's Adsense in that they sell their publisher’s ads to the highest advertising bidder on a price-per-click basis and then display that advert on the publishers website.
Bidvertiser allows the publisher to fully customize adverts, be it color, size, font etc. The minimum payout threshold is set at 10 Dollars and payments are offered by check as well as paypal.
Signup is easy and instantaneous with ads running soon after.
No limit as to how many adverts can run on one page. Can Run alongside with Adsense.
There is a referral program,
Shopzilla claims an index of over 30 million products from more than 92,000 stores.
Shopzilla is easy to apply to, and does not state any prerequisites but are known to turn down publishers with poor site content or poor traffic.
Shopzilla does not pay out in CPA or by commission, but instead pays out through CPC. (Similar to that of Adsense)
No referral program at the moment. Shopzilla is still in Beta.
Shopzilla pays out in monthly installments on a Net 30 payment term. There is a $50 minimum payment threshold, and payments can be made out via check or PayPal.
Copeac offers CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition), CPS (Cost-Per-Sale), and CPC (Cost-Per-Click)
Copeac offers its publishers gift cards as incentives. Currently they reward $50 once $25K is generated, $100 for $50K, $200 for $75, and $500 for $100K.
Offers CPC advertising where the publisher decides whether or not to approve of the advertiser as well the publisher sets the price. The publisher can choose text ads, banners, buttons and various other types of advert space to sell. This program also has advert space for adult sites and those generally not accepted by other programs.
Signing up is really simple and is done within minutes.
Payments are made when a publisher meets a minimum threshold of $30 and payments can be made vis check by mail, wire transfer, paypal, epasseport and etology credit.
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