Any web site owner or webmaster who is trying to earn a profit from their sites are likely familiar with Google Adsense.
Google Adsense is a great and easy way to make money from your site if it is done right. Adsense will allow any person with a blog or an informative site to earn money, simply by placing a little code on their site pages. Rather than trying to figure out exactly what ads to put on their web pages, Adsense gives web site owners the ability to concentrate on their sites content.
Many webmasters are able to make a living from Adsense, however, there are also quite a few who spend all their time just trying to figure out the "magic trick" used to earn from Google Adsense. Earning a living from Google Adsense ads, can seem difficult, but it's not impossible.
If Google Adsense is going to be your only source of income, you will want to do more than just taking some Adsense code and placing it on your site. That is just not enough; you will need to do some experimenting, with placements, formats and choice of keywords.
You really should take care to build your page around a specific topic or keyword that is relevant to your site concept. This will ensure that any Adsense ads which are placed on this page are appropriate and useful to any visitors who want to know more about the topic and they will more than likely end up clicking on the Adsense ad.
You will want to take care where you place your ads. It has been proven that visitors often first look to the top left of a website when they arrive. Because this is were your visitors attention is likely to first, it is going to be one place where you might want to consider placing some ads. You can read the Google help on the Adsense website to learn more about the best locations for placing your adverts.
Another consideration when placing your ads, is to put them on high traffic pages. You can identify the pages visited most on your site by taking a look at your logs or your Google account, where you will get the page-by-page details of your visitors.
Although the skyscraper and banner ads may look good on your site, you may want to avoid using them. Often times, banners are ignored. For example, have you clicked on any banners of sites that you have visited lately?
You will want to blend your Adsense ads into your web page by using the Adsense formats. Google supplies a variety of palettes allowing you to change font colors, borders and backgrounds. There really isn't much point in putting an ad on a page if it doesn't blend with your site.
A very important resource that many webmasters ignore is the Adsense preview tool. This tool will allow you to preview the ads that will go on each of your pages and gives you sample ads and formats. Here is where the destination of your ads can be checked, as well as, geo targeted locations.
Remain focused on what it is that you want to achieve. However busy you may be, you must take some time and experiment with your Adsense ads so that CTR can improve. No matter what the experts say, just follow the basics, that's the real magic to making more from Gooogle Adsense.
Connie McKenzie is a full-time work at home mom who is dedicated to providing detailed information on various subjects including working from home. Learn more about Google Adsense and find out how you too can build a profitable online business and work from home, watch the free video at => Build A Web Business
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