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Blogger AdSense

by: Bunyamin Najmi
Every body has some reason, why become a blogger. Like myself, I became a blogger because I want to share my opinion with somebody else. I can write and post my point of view about everything that amuses me. Beside that I can get chance to get some money too as a blogger. We can make our blog revenue with Google as an AdSense publisher. The following basic guidelines and term of service (TOS) rules:

1.The blog must be functional.
Make sure your link work and your blog available to visitors without difficulty.

2.The blog must supported language.

Indonesian Language currently not supported. The Supported language is English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese, Spanish or Chinese.

3.Don’t put competing ads.
You can’t run other ads derived from search engine, or text ads that look like substantially similar to AdWord.

4.The blog must not illegal Content
Google prohibited the blog contains any pornographic, hate related, violent, cracking and hacking.

5.The blog must be professional.
Blog not only tell the story about your son and daughter, the content of the blog must contain content of some substance.

So, make some money from your blog, and remember don’t bomb the reader with ads, make the ads look nice to see and don’t make blog just for the money, make a good content too.

About The Author
Bunyamin Najmi is a Blogger who write article at

This entry was posted on 7/05/2008 10:43:00 AM and is filed under , .